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I am a pedagogical strategist with an enthusiasm for media production and innovative multimodal implementation.


I have worked with students of all ages, from first graders to graduate students. 

My professional experience includes teaching and tutoring primarily in the fields of reading, writing, math, and web design.


I have coached sports, facilitated after-school programs, started clubs for fitness and multimedia production, chaperoned field trips abroad, and volunteered for other extracurricular activities to help engage students beyond the classroom. 

Below is a timeline of my work in the field of education.


Hover over an event to read more!

  • A nominated position for the introductory course in the CCT Masters program

  • Collected assignments and monitored attendance in a 75-person weekly lecture

  • Led a weekly recitation class of 15 students, and offered Wix web design workshops

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Graduate Teaching Assistant at Georgetown University


Washington, D.C.

  • Taken as a graduate course by the Masters of Learning & Design program at Georgetown University

  • My focus was technology within secondary education, culminating with my own iteration of a 2018 Horizon Report

  • To view my 2018 Horizon Report, click on the image

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Technology and Innovation in Education


Washington, D.C.

2018 Horizon Report: Technology Within Secondary Education by Zach Omer
  • Full time math and reading tutor at Forest Grove High School

  • Volunteer coordinator and program facilitator for after-school programming

  • Unified Sports (Special Olympics affiliate) basketball and soccer coach

  • Earned graduate credit from Pacific University for course titled Issues & Trends in Education

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AmeriCorps Partnerships for Student Achievement

Forest Grove, OR




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Click a link to learn more!


  • Took a semester long class on tutoring and best writing practices to get a job with the campus writing center at the University of Missouri

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MU Writing Center Tutor



Columbia, MO

  • Guided students and faculty through all stages of the writing process through in-person tutorials and online submissions


Click the cover to read more!

Research & Writing

School Children
  • Received college credit for participating in the A+ Tutoring program during my senior year of high school

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A+ Tutoring Program



Washington, MO

  • Traveled to a local elementary school each day to tutor first graders in reading

©2018 by Zach Omer. Proudly created with

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